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There are so many inspiring rad moms out there balancing work, life, motherhood and everything else. Right before Mother's Day, I had the opportunity to interview one of my favorite badass mamas about her life, motherhood & how we shouldn't sweat the small stuff.
"Oh younger self, when you say you’re’re not. Sleep as much as you can. Also, don’t worry so much about the small things, giving up some control won’t kill you. Though that last part could be advice for myself in present day too! Ha!"


Hi! I’m Meghan Ceallaigh (pronounced Kelly 😉) and I’m a freelance makeup artist residing in the hippie town of Eugene, OR. Married to an amazing man, Seejay, and we have the honor of being parents to our sweet little dude, Dana. Since I work for myself I’m mainly a stay at home mom Monday-Friday and work on the weekends! 


Did you always want kids? How did you feel about kids, before Kids

I have always known I wanted to be a mother. From the time my little brother was born (when I was 4) I called him “my baby”.  I spent years working in child care, teaching swimming lessons and went to college for early childhood education. I was also a nanny to 3 incredible boys for 7 years who showed me what I’d be in for! 


Tell us about finding out with you were pregnant?

So our pregnancy journey was a long one and really difficult emotionally. I had a feeling that I was pregnant but drug my heels so hard on taking a test out of fear it would only be yet another negative. Finally got up the courage to take a test and then left it in the bathroom for an hour. I was on the phone with one of my mentors telling her about it and she coaxed me to go take a peek. POSITIVE!!!!!!!! We cried and laughed and in that moment I had ALL the feelings! Then I decided I should probably share the amazing new with the hubs! Haha! 


What is the most stand out memory from labor or delivery?

Labor and delivery feels like it was a dream. I had one of my best friends and Seejay in the room with me with our moms and my dad right outside. We were listening to 90’s rap and “I got 5 on it” came on. Only time I yelled during labor was to say my child wasn’t going to be born to The Luniz! Haha! Switched the track and out he came to “Nuthin but a G thang”. He was born at 12:03am on January 1st. Best New Years Eve ever. 


What is the biggest life change since you have had Dana?

I’d say the biggest life change is everything. I kid, I kid. Honestly though, I have a small human who’s a bundle of emotions running my schedule. He’s constantly teaching me to be present in the moment and that all plans are hypothetical. It’s so worth it and I’m beyond thankful for him. 


What is a typical weekday like for your family?

A typical weekday for us is relatively mellow. Dana wakes up around 7, we do breakfast and watch cartoons. Seejay leaves around 8:30 for work. I make my best attempt at getting a shower and a brush through my hair before he goes. I try to get Dana out of the house for at least a little bit everyday. We have a park just down the street and I’m lucky enough to have a ton of mom friends close for play dates. Nap from 12-2 (he may not sleep through the night but at least we get amazing naps) and during that time I respond to emails, get a little me time or nap too. Afternoons are running errands, walking our dogs or playing outside if weather permits. It’s Oregon so it rains a LOT. Evenings get a little hectic with three dogs and three people to get dinner for. Bathtime, then bedtime at 8. Then it’s usually a bowl of ice cream for me and watching a crime show with Seej. It feels like the movie Groundhogs Day when I write it all out but I’ve found a lot of comfort in the routine. 


What is your favorite thing to do for yourself?

Hand down, doing my makeup. It’s so relaxing to me when I can actually just sit down at my vanity and play. It centers me in a way I can’t even explain. I really love feeling pulled together. 


Do you make 'Me' time a priority?

I’m constantly working on it. I didn’t for a long time and then realized I’d sort of forgotten who I was outside of being a mom. I now make a point at least once a week to get out (or stay home) by myself for a bit. We’re all happier when I do. Progress not perfection, right? 


What influences your fashion and beauty choices?

I’ve always had a love of fashion and beauty. I worked for MAC Cosmetics for years and it really helped shape my beauty style. I used to draw so much inspiration from fashion shows, both in clothing and in makeup though these days I’m much more about comfort and quick application. I’m constantly looking through Instagram and being continually inspired by people I’ve found on there (like the amazing mama behind Hunt and Orchard). Another babe, Sammi Jefcoate, is an influencer/blogger/youtuber who has the most amazing aesthetic. I just love how she puts things together. For beauty, I love watching YouTube videos. Jkissamakeup is always inspiring me to break outside of my comfort zone. 


What is one thing you wish you could tell your younger self - the pre-dana self?

Oh younger self, when you say you’re’re not. Sleep as much as you can. Also, don’t worry so much about the small things, giving up some control won’t kill you. Though that last part could be advice for myself in present day too! Ha! 


More into Meghan's life follow her on IG @meghan_ceallaigh

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